Sunday, January 18, 2009

She's back!

Whoa. I almost forgot that I even had a blog. Time sure has flown by! Well here's a brief recap of what's happened in the 6 months since I blogged last: Attended 3 weddings in August; got hitched in September; hubby and I went to Disney World for our honeymoon end of September/beginning of October; holidays flew by and now we're here in mid-January. Whew. Okay, so much more happened than that, but I figure we might as well get straight to the knitting.

Let's continue where we left off with the Christmas Stockings. On December 1 I finished my stocking just in time to be hung by the chimney with care:

Christmas stockings

During December I knit a couple hats (of which I do not have pictures) and the project about which I am most excited is the Santa doll that I FINALLY finished for my mom's birthday.


This is the Santa Claus doll from Jean Greenhowe's Christmas Special. I started knitting the doll around Thanksgiving 2007 and finished weaving in the last end 1/2 hour before heading to my parents' house for my mom's and my birthday party. I loved knitting him so much that I almost didn't want to give him away. As these dolls take shape they develop such a personality and I become attached.

New Year's Day I cast on the Cuddly Clown from Jean Greenhowe's Knitted Toys (out of print). As of yesterday, our cute little friend just needs a face (for which I have to go to the craft store to pick up some felt).

Cuddly clown

In the meantime, I've cast on the Topsy-Turvy Dolly, also from Knitted Toys. Also will be a gift.

Topsy-turvy dolly