Saturday, March 24, 2007

Yarn Diet

Okay, I am jumping on the yarn diet bandwagon that I have been hearing so much about on the forums and podcasts. With exceptions for 2 projects that I already began planning, I will not be purchasing anymore yarn for the time being. On the side bar, I've even added a count "up" since I last purchased yarn. Yes folks, I bought more yarn yesterday... sad, but true. Well sad for my wallet. Happy for me. As a student, I keep to a pretty tight budget and I have yet to over-extend myself, but I feel that in the past couple months I've gone a little yarn-crazy and it's time to slow down a bit.

I think this realization especially hit today when I was updating my Excel sheet with my new purchases. Looking through it, I noticed yarn that I completely forgot I had. Most of my yarn is back at my parents' house, so it's literally "out of sight, out of mind."

In my WIP's news, I am 1/2 done with the second mitten of the pair for my cousin; I have less than 2 inches to go before shaping the toe of the second sock of my first pair; I am 4/5 done with the top-secret project; and I haven't picked up Carlos's lime green hat yet this weekend. I think that will be moving up in the rotation tomorrow.

Friday I started knitting a pair of Jaywalkers with the CTH I picked up from Windsor Button on Wednesday; however, after about an inch of the ribbed cuff I dropped a stitch and became very impatient trying to remedy the relatively simple mistake. Needless to say, I frogged it. Then when I tried to re-cast on I somehow miscounted or dropped a stitch again. Too frustrated to start for a third time, I rolled up the yarn, zipped up the ziploc bag it is in, and put it away until I finish one or more of the above projects. I think it was a sign from the knitting powers-that-be that I had too many OTN's and not enough FO's for the year (case in point, see the graphic to the right). And they are correct. I should have listened when I spent hours untangling the CTH after a debacle trying to wind it... But that is another story for another day.

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