Sunday, June 3, 2007

Saturday already?!

Well I guess, technically it is Sunday as it is after midnight here on the East Coast of the U.S., but let's just say it's Saturday. Either way, time has flown by since my last post. Although I guess it would be a non-post as I used a meme to tell what I've been up to the past week or so. I have used this word a lot lately, but whirlwind is the only way I can describe it. My boyfrie... I mean, fiance, is off from work this week, and we've been spending a lot of time together before I have to really get serious about the studying I have to do this summer.

Which brings me to the main point of this post -- the likelihood of sparse posting over the next few weeks while I study for the bar. I am hoping to post at least once if not two or three times a week, but I do not want to make any promises. My review class starts on Monday and by the end of this coming week I should have a pretty decent idea of how my study schedule will be from then until the end of July. Ideally I'd like to use whatever free time I have to knit AND blog about it, but I'm thinking that perhaps the blogging will have to take a backseat because if I can't use my free time to knit, I won't have any knitting to blog about.

This week as it was, I barely had time to catch up on my email, let alone post new things to Ravelry, read the many message boards to which I belong, read the blogs to which I subscribe (there are many) and listen to the new podcast episodes (I have 14 of them waiting for me in iTunes.) The podcasts won't be a big deal because I will listen to them on the way to and from my bar review class, which is about 45 mins to an hour away. It's the other online stuff that will have to be put on the back burner for a little while.

Happy knitting everyone!


Joan said...

Bravo on law school grad! I graduated in '85 (gulp..did I admit that?) and can still internalize all the stress and anguish. Have you taken the bar? Good luck!

Priscilla said...

If I am reading your post correctly, more congratulations are in order, aren't they? You really are having a big summer!

I remember taking my general exams for the Ph.D 6 weeks before I got married, so I know how crazy it can get. Hang in there and good luck with your studies this summer!